– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: City Hall grifting goes on vacay?
For weeks the Koch Machine has been treating the South Shore broadsheet as an de facto in-house cheerleader.
The reason why?
It would clearly appear so as promulgate all manner of pimpings of barely but fractional truths via roughly at least weekly press releases most likely fabricated by the maladministration’s designated prevaricator Pinocchio Walkbacker so as to affect that things are perfectly fine in spite of the still lingering COVID-19 pandemic.
That and so setting the stage to concurrently weave in announcements of even more plans to spend even more money on koched-up Edifice Complexes that Quincy taxpayers can ill-afford given their current and looking likely to linger for at least a while economic travails.
Recently, however – as well as all but miraculously, the flow of bovine byproduct out of City Hall has all but stopped flowing.
Unclear, however, is if City Hall may have finally ran out of things to foist or if we are instead in the quiet before the shitschturm of the likely impending hard-hitting to the pocketbooks of local property owners when likely considerable 2021 property tax bill increases are imposed so as to continue to enable the profligate ways of Quincy’s peerless mayor.

Is “A City on the Move© is looking at constipation?
An iconic Quincy Quarry News file photo image
That and the impending cannot deny it for all that much longer ever increasing likelihood that Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s much touted plans to see a large medical offices complex anchor his long and often foundering plans for “A New Quincy Center©” is also looking to be foundering.
While admittedly other real estate development projects and a number new restaurants have already rolled out in Quincy Center, these developments will all but assuredly not be able to cover the financial nut that will start cracking around 2028.

Always – ALWAYS – follow the money …
An oxycom.com image
Reasons include that the new private sector construction within the Quincy Center redevelopment district to date will likely not carry their fair financial share, much less cover the whole financial nut given all manner of generous incentives handed out by Mayor Koch so as to continue to attempt to prime the so far all but dry pump to help grow A New Quincy Center©.
Fortunately for Mayor Koch, however clearly conversely unfortunate for local taxpayers notwithstanding, the mayor will surely be out of office by the time things financial hit the fan before the end of the decade, if not sooner, when roughly $150 million in currently tickler rate interest only debt has to rollover to roughly five to seven greater annual principle and interest bond debt service.
Only whether our peerless mayor’s departure from City Hall is by retirement, feet first or via a perp walk remains to be seen.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to cover the story when things finally as well as all but inevitably hit the fan.
That and how only Quincy Quarry is the only regional media that has the stones to give the story due as well as full consideration.
Nothing good ever lasts.
True that Dom, sadly true that.