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– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Never leaves the toilet seat up …
Image via FreshPet.com

Forty-four percent of women would prefer quarantining with pets than with their respective significant other.

This finding comes from a recent survey by FreshPet.

While this preference comes as no great surprise to Quincy Quarry’s newshounds, it was surprising to see that forty-seven percent of males would prefer to hang with their respective ball and chain.

| quincy newsWhile detailed data breakouts were not provided in the public release of an overview of the survey, one can make some inferences from the released pie charts of each genders’ tabulated survey responses. 

For example, best case for male significant others, the next best pie slice in the female pie chart would suggest that at best males might be roughly tied with household pets as quarantine companions.

Conversely, as well as most surprisingly, pets do not look to rate all that high per the slices in their pie chart of the male tabulated survey responses.

| quincy newsGranted, these suppositions are but suppositions, however, making reasonable suppositions has never stopped Quincy Quarry News from engaging in making them.

That and then promulgating them.

Source: Survey: 44% of women would pick quarantine with pets over significant other

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