– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.
Hancock Garage use is still a risky proposition.
While this city-owned and operated garage is approaching seven months in operation, the City of Quincy has continued to fail to see the garage’s personal safety alarm system made operational in arguable spite of Quincy Quarry’s long and often dogging the Koch Maladministration over this indefensible shortcoming.
And as for conformation as to just how bad is this shortcoming, even the usually obliging local print tabloid has addressed this public safety problem to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch months ago during one of his precious few and tightly limited interviews granted to any news media.
Needless to say, with Quincy District Courthouse reopened after an extended Coronavirus closure and area restaurants’ just allowed to offer limited indoor dining giving rise to increased garage use, one can only assume that trafficking in petty crimes in the garage will likely see an uptick given this long ongoing security shortcoming.
That and how the wearing masks continues to be encouraged care of the Coronavirus pandemic will only make making perps via garage security video difficult.
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