Jennie Stejna has plenty to celebrate after beating the coronavirus at 103 years old.  Photo credit: Shelley Stejna Gunn.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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“This Bud’s for you©!”
Photo of a Quincy Quarry staff member

One Hundred and three year old enjoys a beer to celebrate her beating COVID-19.

Westa Wusta Wilbraham, Massachusetts nursing home resident Jennie Stejna has plenty to celebrate.

Ms. Stejna tested positive a few weeks ago.  She was then sick for awhile but successfully fought off the virus.

So how did she mark the occasion?

She had a beer!

The nursing home staff gave her a beer both to celebrate and because it had been a while since she had had one.

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Source: 103-Year-Old Drinks Beer In Nursing Home To Celebrate Beating COVID-19


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