AN extreme nature TV host was purposely stung by a “murder hornet” to show the “searing pain” one could feel if they are unfortunately bit by the hornet.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added  

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That REALLY hurts
A YouTube video still image

An extreme nature TV show host opted to be stung by a Murder Hornet to demonstrate the “searing pain” of its bite.

Nathaniel ‘Coyote’ Peterson, host of the YouTube show Brave Wilderness, opted to be videoed during and after a sting by a Murder Hornet. 

In turn, Quincy Quarry News cannot help but suspect that undertaking the demonstration was at least partially fueled so as to endeavor to score some media exposure at a time when COVID-19 is sucking up most of the media oxygen.

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A lean mean stinging machine
A Washington Invasive Species Council image

Unfortunately, Peterson survived this dumb social media PR stunt.

Source: Extreme nature TV host is stung by a ‘murder hornet’ to show the ‘searing pain’

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