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A MIra Luna Vineyards special vintage for moms
Wine spritzer maker launches Mother’s Day venting hotline for mothers to whine.
Having trouble finding a Mothers’ Day gift what with florists facing COVID-19 restrictions?
That and know that going the lazy way out with a gift card only sets a bounty on your head as to how much you think mom is worth …
If so, consider letting mom know about how the makers of a new line of low calorie wine spritzers has set up a 800 line for fried sheltering at home mothers to whine.
After all, it’s the thought that counts as opposed to the price tag.
Additionally, one can concurrently enter to win an assortment of wine spritzers while whining!
- Dial toll-free 1-833-3-SCREAM-4-WINE
Even better, these spritzers have only 100 calories and are thus of potential benefit to those suffering from “COVID-15” weight gains.
Source: MOVO Wine Spritzers Launches A Mother’s Day Venting Hotline For Moms Who Are Over 2020
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