An ABC correspondent’s work from home attire made for an amusing diversion on Good Morning America on Tuesday when the reporter was shown to not be wearing pants.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added. 

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Note orange arrow: busted without pants
A screenshot image

ABC News Correspondent caught without pants live on Good Morning America.

Oopsey …

It was probably only a matter of time before a video news reporter was caught on camera not wearing pants while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After all, it is a poorly-kept secret industry secret that the bottom half of a broadcaster’s wardrobe is often not as professional work attire as is the top half. 

In any event, after the ABC reporter was exposéd, he then claimed that he was wearing shorts rather than underwear. 

In turn, Quincy Quarry would prefer to take him on his word.

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An image of a reporter is not the story
Image via The Vintage Audio Exchange

Fortunately for Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers, they can take comfort in the fact that its co-respondents never present the news of the day via videos featuring images of the reporter behind its story. 

The reason: Quincy Quarry knows that its team have faces for radio.

Source: ABC’s Will Reeve Caught Without Pants Live on GMA (VIDEO)

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