Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has issued an executive order that will further extend the closure of Massachusetts schools and non-emergency child care centers.

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Tough day …
A Mira Luna graphic

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Governor Baker extends school closures in Massachusetts until May 4. 

It’s official: the regional disruption during the Winter of 2015 for school students and their parents has been surpassed.

Way past.

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Glare Wars: Homework Strikes!
Image via Robertson Gardens

While many local public school districts and private schools have been able to ramp up their existing short term absences and snow day online coursework assignment systems to now facilitate home schooling for the duration of the Coronavirus school closure, one can only reasonably assume that many parents have already reached their wits’ end hounding their children to do their homework as well as also struggling with their children’s mathematics coursework.


Fortunately, the South Shore broadsheet has published a list of social distance safe recess suggestions other than locking up the kids in the basement with their smart phones.

Source: Gov. Baker extends school closures in Massachusetts until May 4

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