Overnight parking is going away, too.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Center new parking garage and old Courthouse parking no longer free.
After weeks of a series hard-hitting Quincy Quarry exposés ranging from the only to be expected delay in opening the new Hancock Parking Garage for use to an also only to expected extended delay to then charge for parking to help pay for its construction to all manner of still unfinished work around the site of the garage which impairs access to it, the City of Quincy has finally managed to start charging for parking at the garage.
That and the courthouse wants to both better control the use of its own parking lot as well as make a few bucks.

Still unfinished work
A Quincy Quarry New exclusive photo
As for the cause of the three week delay in charging for parking in the new City of Quincy garage, problems with software were been offered up as an excuse.
In turn, such poses new and only proper questions to pose were the City of Quincy willing to accommodate only properly follow up on inquiries.
Lots of inquires as a matter of fact.
For example, shouldn’t parking lot control equipment software be parking lot attendant level user friendly turnkey ready?
Alternatively, given the purported software problems, did the City of Quincy yet again opt to go with the lowest bidder and thus is now looking to have perhaps been taken by a less than duly qualified parking control and fee charging equipment supplier?
Or did the Koch Maladministration opt to go with computer illiterate hack hires?
Needle to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to work the whole of things for all that it’s worth.
Source: County to begin charging for parking behind Quincy court
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