| quincy news

City ride illegally parked?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

– News about Quincy covered by Quincy Quarry News.

North Quincy illegal parking fueled by MBTA construction projects continues unchecked.

An intrepid Quincy Citizen Photojournalist continues to doggedly document the usual suspects illegally parking in the usual places in North Quincy in the wake of the MBTA closing half of its North Quincy Red Line station’s commuter parking lot.

That and the MBTA’s variously making messes of its other three Red Line stations in Quincy.

| quincy news

Mayor caught in triple violation illegal parking?
A Quincy Quarry infrared night file photo

Not intrepid, however, are the mostly – if not – all but exclusively male parking control officers of the City of Quincy’s awkwardly named Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Lighting Department (“TPAL”) at doing anything of consequence about these parking scofflaws.

Then again, given that TPAL has all but utterly failed to do anything of consequence about traffic congestion in Quincy, it should come as no great surprise that TPAL is also apparently continuing to all but utterly fail to address parking and the second item on its official to do list.

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