– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Special Council Robert Mueller finally delivers his report on Trump-Russia Investigation to Attorney General William Barr.
After weeks of reports that Special Council Robert Mueller would soon be releasing his report, the speculation finally had the correct time as does a broken clock twice a day when the report was delivered to United States Attorney General William shortly before 5 pm this afternoon.
While no one has actually seen the report outside of Mueller and Barr’s inner circles, early media reports are reporting that Mueller is not recommending any further indictments by his team.
At the same time, however, it must be noted that the language of these reports at least hint at the possibility that the purported recommendation does not preclude the possibility of other entities pressing charges in reasonably short order or pursuing charges against President Donald Trump when he finally leaves office.
In short, no one knows at this point and thus the weekend political show talking heads and their guests are going to have a field talking until such time as an unredacted full copies of Special Council Mueller’s report are made available for review.
In the meanwhile, however, newsreaders have had to come up with text to read which basically says that so far they yet again do not know even merely bupkis without actually admitting it.
What is safe to suggest is that if the report does recommendation that the Special Prosecutor Mueller has recommended to the Attorney General Barr that Mueller’s staff that the Attorney General pursue further indictments that such will likely result in an unprecedented Tweet storming by President Trump such that Twitter could well crash, if not will crash.
That and in turn one can only assume that Progressives will also be in high dudgeon.
In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry is planning to hue to Yogi Berra’s sage observation that it ain’t over until its over.
Source: Mueller Delivers Report on Trump-Russia Investigation to Attorney General – The New York Times
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