Not happening next week.
Image via Reuters

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Mueller’s report will not arrive next week.


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Packing heat
A Desilu Productions image

A Justice Department official shot down expectations that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office will deliver a highly anticipated report next week.


“Any reports that the Special Counsel’s report will be delivered to the DOJ during the week of Feb. 28 are incorrect,” the official said.


CNN reported on Wednesday that the Justice Department may announce as early as next week that Mueller had given Attorney General William Barr his report.


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Still under a microscope
A Getty Images image

“It’s not surprising that they would not issue a report while the president is in Vietnam engaged in high-stakes international diplomacy,” said a person close to the administration, referring to President Donald Trump’s meeting with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un. 


Source: Mueller’s report will not arrive next week: Official

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