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Snowbound, bogged down – whatever …
A Know Your Government image

– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News. 

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Oh what a week it was!

As brutally cold as it has been of late, things have really heated up otherwise.

On the national front, special counsel Robert Mueller finally rolled up Roger Stone, a longtime black hat political opposition research pimp and almost as long a friend of President Donald J. Trump.

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Roger and the one-time Manhattan Madam
Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News image

As darkly fascinating an abjectly shameless scoundrel is Roger Stone, the Quarry still cannot help but suggest that his current travails are amply well-deserved, if not also long overdue.

That and how it would appear that special counsel Mueller’s ongoing and so far highly effective efforts at securing confessions and convictions pertaining to all manner of intrigue with the 2016 presidential election will continue to take names and numbers.

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A sign of how long are are her odds?
A meme

At the same, given Quincy Quarry’s core credo to provide balanced and fair coverage© coverage, it is only fair to add that the Quarry also covered coverage by the New York Times of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, MA) going nerdy on the stump as she continues her so far looking likely to prove to be quixotic quest for the Oval Office.

Among other things, apparently she hasn’t realized that talking nerdy did not work for Secretary Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Leading with her chin?
A Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images image

That and the Quarry also covered how rookie Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez yet again took it on the chin for her mistakenly calling out the Washington Post’s Fact Checker over her unforced error and so made yet another rookie mistake.

And as for breaking badly bad news locally, tragedy again struck the Squaw Rock neighborhood of Squantum for the second time in four months when a hometown sports legend and widely said to be all around good guy died under troubling circumstances.

| quincy news

Conflicted, conflicts – whatever
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

In turn, Quincy Quarry was the very first and so far only news media to broach the words on the street as regards purported conflicts of interest and various other such possible problems facing both local as well as county officials in what is clearly a wrongful death tragedy.

That and how the Quarry continues to work with its media brethren to work to see that the truth is exposéd and justice then duly served.

In the meanwhile, rumor also has it that the rumored sucker puncher has already lawyered up with a well-known criminal defense attorney as well as said to have also taken a leave of absence from his job to prepare for what is looking likely to be coming his way.

| quincy news

See Spot, see Tommy run red ink …
A Koch campaign mailer image

And finally, Quincy Quarry will soon be providing its own unique analysis of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s annual State of the City address after its newsroom team finally stops laughing about it and can then start writing it.

In particular, how the Quarry correspondent on the scene found it wicked amusing how Quincy’s peerless mayor less than successfully endeavored to utilize the Jedi Mind Trick so as to attempt to transmogrify all manner of empty glasses given his past shortcomings into overfull glasses of overwrought rosy spin.

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Lining up a line
Image via Daily Mirror

In short, given that President Trump’s State of the Union was delayed given his recent temper tantrum over a wall, Mayor Koch’s recent State of the City speech was probably an acceptable fix to tide over local political junkies.

At least for a while, that is.

In the meanwhile, one should be sure to remember that the first hit is always free.

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