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Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch double trucking it on taxpayers’ dimes
Yet again, Quincy Quarry rolls out another exclusive exposé on the curious and often less than frugal dubious deeds done by the Koch Maladministration.
Then again, such is easier than scoring a beer in a sports bar.

Bumpersticker-laden and tax dollar expensed personal ride parking illegally.
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
In any event, after many months of Quincy Quarry suspecting something fishy, a well-placed and known to be duly knowledgeable source has dropped a dime to the Quarry.
The dime: not only does Quincy Mayor Thomas receive a monthly car allowance for his use of his personal truck on city business, local taxpayers are also funding his all but exclusive use of a recently obtained and at least $57,000 MRSP when new Secret Service model look-alike land yacht-sized, greenhouse gas emitting, and leather interior sporting black Chevrolet Tahoe sports utility vehicle.
While the car allowance has long been noted as a separate budget line item in the City’s annual budget, the City’s budgets are so highly consolidated that one cannot discern how many tax dollars are spent on city vehicles annually, much less how City Hall’s VIP City Ride is accounted.
As Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal reader will recall, the Quarry exposéd this arrival of this latest expensive City Hall chief executive extravagance last month.
Granted, the Chevy Tahoe is technically said to be noted in City of Quincy records as basically a City Hall motor pool ride as opposed to more accurately otherwise given its far more frequent – if not all but exclusive – use by Mayor Koch as his de facto VIP City Ride to meetings, rubber chicken lunch events and miscellaneous schleppings about on the taxpayers’ dime.
Then again, what expense account isn’t at least a little koched-up with dubious expenses, especially those involving at least certain City of Quincy senior officials and other favored city employees.
Unfortunately, Quincy Quarry’s City Hall is still unable to speak with particulars as to just exactly how the Koch Maladministration obtained the previous once new but now former Ford Explorer City Hall VIP City Ride or how this also leather interior featuring ride was slipped onto the City’s books as it could never be discerned anywhere on the Koch Maladministration’s details-thin budgets foisted upon the general public.
Regardless, and as a point of contrast. Quincy Quarry is aware of the fact that the previous administration in City Hall frugally arranged to use a well-traveled surplus former police car for duly appropriate City Hall motor pool sorts of uses.
Granted, while probably technicality not giving rise to – for example – possible federal and/or state income violations or possible federal felony double dipping prosecution, such profligate squandering of taxpayers’ money by the current maladministration for double trucking is still worthy of yet another hard-hitting exposé by Quincy Quarry.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City Hall for comment on this apparent profligate use of taxpayers’ money for this clearly apparent instance of double trucking; however, it saw not point in suffering Koch Maladministration spinmeister Pinocchio Walkbacker foisting even more methane-laden bovine byproduct during a winter already as well as clearly impacted by climate change.
Plus, the Quarry finds Pinocchio to be without any shame whatsoever as well as that his act is no longer inadvertently a font of unintended comic relief as his act has gotten stale. Wicked stale as a matter of record.
Even so, Quincy Quarry still views it as at least inappropriate that the current mayor rates a both a personal vehicle car allowance AND ready access to a new upwards of sixty large VIP City Ride as opposed to opting to continue to rely on around – say – a thousand dollar or so if sold at auction well-beaten ex-police cruiser as a City Hall motor pool beater as did the previous and financially prudent administration to facilitate City Hall VIP transportation, especially as opposed to current possible lunchtime sweet ride runs to Napoli’s for a calzone “working” lunch.
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