– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy City Hall as well as taxpayers yet again sodded.
All but as inevitable as a sunrise, the Koch Maladministration is yet again re-sodding away around Quincy City Hall as well as so also sodding taxpayers.
That and so also variously sodding various local taxpayers given the expense of yet another mulligan by the maladministration.
As exposéd previously in Quincy Quarry, the surely six figure gala dedication of Hancock/Adams Common, but better viewed as Kim Jong Koch Plaza, included setting up a party tent on freshly laid sod in front of City Hall.
In turn, and as also previously both predicted and so reported in Quincy Quincy, the sod under the party tent died from so suffering such premature use.
And, as only to be expected, the dead sod was replaced with new sod in relatively short order – if not also record time by the Koch Maladministration – to effect a fix other than one done behind closed doors.

Party tent (left). Dead sod care of partying underneath tent (center). Latest re-sodding (right).
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos
Further, also re-sodded was nearby dead sod that was the result of poor pedestrian traffic flow landscaping design.
Whether or most likely not this patch job sodding survives the winter, much less foot traffic next spring, remains to be seen.
Also remaining to be seen is at least merely but a reseeding, much less a comprehensive, of sports fields around time.
While a few sports fields, including Veterans Memorial Field and a few others are undergoing replacements of their playing surfaces, including the installing a new artificial turf at Veterans Field, many of these projects are running up to as long as months behind schedule as well as costing substantially over budget given all manner of problems, all of which can yet again be largely blamed upon the Koch Maladministration and its personnel.
While Koch Maladministration spokesmodel and bon vivant Pinocchio Walkbacker has stated that the maladministration expects to see Veterans Field resurfaced in time for the annual North Quincy High/Quincy High Turkey Bowl football game, he did not stake his life on it.
Also, neither did he offer up any hint as to who would be tossed under a bus if Veterans Memorial Field was not ready in time for the Turkey Bowl.
Regardless, one can only assume that various local taxpayers will continue to be sodded by City Hall given the long ongoing misdeeds of the Koch Maladministration.
As such, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this as well as other sod stories and report back as might be appropriate.
Grass is not always greener on the Koch side of the fence!
Then again, selling grass on Ricciuti Drive in Quarry Hills is making a green. A lotta green.