– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News. 

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Work piled up at Merrymount School
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Quincy Public Schools renovation projects not done before start of a new school year.

Part Five of an ongoing series of exposés

Following Quincy Quarry’s receipt of word and images that school renovation work yesterday, the Quarry dispatched personnel to reconnoiter the state of renovation work at a sampling of local public schools.

The findings were universal: none of the projects at the three schools visited were looking to completed by the end of the workday yesterday and were thus would not likely be ready by the start of school today.

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Major excavation work underway, left, and fresh concrete, right at Beechwood Knoll School
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos

Each and every school had considerable work yet to be completed as well as these shortcomings both posed risks to students as well as surely will add to teachers already considerable burdens keeping their charges safe from harm.

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Workers working out front, left, and work piled up in back at the Bernazzani School
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive photos

Particularly vulnerable, however, will be school administrators and other senior school officials who will surely be taking fire from both helicopter parents as well as regular parents complaining about the risks posed by unfinished work.

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The bucks are both spent and should stop here
A Koch for Quincy campaign mailing image

Inexcusable failure to not finish up these straightforward projects in a timely manner notwithstanding, the problems are not school officials’ responsibility.

Rather, the blame should be unloaded upon City Hall as these unfinished projects are run out of City Hall given that Mayor Koch has moved buildings and grounds maintenance activities to omnibus departments for the care and maintenance of all city assets.

Count on Quincy Quarry to continue to monitor this sorry set of yet to be completed projects and report back as appropriate.

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