– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Hancock/Adams Common suffers its first tree killings.
Actually, two killings.
As has been both long as well a widely expected, the first two botanical causalities have happened among the many expensive new trees planted on the Hancock/Adams Common, formerly known as Quincy Square but which is now better known to Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers as Kim Jong Koch Plaza.
At this point, one tree is clearly bare down to its desiccated branches and the other is looking to soon follow suit to the woodpile.
Quincy Quarry is, however, only properly waiting for the findings of the treecropsies on both of these apparent victims of thirst before officially announcing the winner of the Quincy Quarry date and number of trees dead bracket.
In the meanwhile, a number of the other new trees in Kim Jong Koch Plaza are also showing signs of stress; unfortunately, given these two apparent demises, bets can no longer be placed as to how many of these new and mostly expensive to very expensive trees will be deceased by the start of the Summer of 2019.
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