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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

Department of Conservation and Recreation apparently plants a tree in a private yard?

Courtesy of a longtime Quincy Quarry Photojournalist contributor, the Quarry is now able to report that Department of Conservation and Recreation personnel were out in the rain last Thursday endeavoring to make Quincy a bit greener by apparently planting a tree in the yard of North Quincy residence on quiet side street a few houses away from the DCR-controlled and operated Quincy Shore Drive.

Unfortunately, the rain apparently did not provide sufficient cover from public scrutiny during this mid-morning tree planting.

| quincy news

Working it while wet.
A QQ Citizen Photojournalist image

Fortunately, one would at least like to hope that Thursday’s heavy rainfall will help this taxpayer-subsidized tree planting will yield a successful arboreal outcome as opposed to what all too often happens to trees planted in Quincy by the City of Quincy.

In any event, consider this latest Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist expo as notice that the Quarry’s ever growing legions of loyal readers are at the ready with their smartphones to dime out dubious doings in the Q.

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