– News from covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Cousin It shopping for Gomez at WalMart
A People of WalMart photo c/o viralnova.com

Fathers Day gift tips care of the polling of fathers.

Procrastinating on shopping as bad as most men or just baffled as to what to buy?

The sad truth of it all is that shopping for dad is not rocket science. 

Even worse, Fathers Day shoppers usually pick out things as out of order – if not as flat out wrong – as does Dad when he shops for birthday and anniversary presents for his wife according to a recent survey by San Francisco-based Ebates.com cash-back shopping website.

Quincyquarry budsman

Beer here!!!
A Quincy Quarry staff member photo

Electronics rank first among those polled (38 percent), then tools (33 percent), beer (29 percent), outdoor equipment (26 percent) and tickets to an event (24 percent).  

Conversely, candy and ties were viewed as the worst gifts.

Given the warm and sunny forecast for the Greater Boston area this weekend as well as the personal predilections of the Quincy Quarry news team, going with a fine imported or craft pilsner would surely be much appreciated as well as much enjoyed.

Source: Fathers’ Day gift tips care of polling fathers

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