– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Rough roads continue this so-called spring …
After a winter full of all sorts of discontents and more recently a Friday the Thirteenth, the roads continue rough for all manner of Massachusetts drivers.
For example, Massachusetts State Police scandals have flared up yet again and this time over a forty dollar per diem commuting to work perk.
Specifically, this time Quincy Quarry’s media brethren at the Boston broadsheet have reported that state troopers at F Troop at Logan Airport are paid forty dollars every time they drive their own cars to work.
Why, however, has not exactly been made clear but the Quarry has its own suspicions
And as for other breaking badly bad news©, even more Republican males have been exposéd as – well – clients of President Trump’s personal fixer for philanderings.
Unfortunately for the President and his posse, special prosecutor Robert Mueller does not look to be backing off anytime soon.
Speaking of badly broken, Quincy Quarry is about to roll out a contest of a sort for those who submit of photos of local bad roads.
Granted, bad roads in Quincy are easily found – but figuring out a winner will not be a day at the beach.
Fortunately, the Quarry’s bar tab is current. At least it is at one of its still open watering holes.
Also yet to be determined is the prize for the winning submission – but as most clerics have long said as well as most youth sports coaches say these days, the effort is its own reward.
And finally, yes: expect even more hard-hitting Quincy Quarry exposés in the Quarry’s open ended series of parking exposé as parking concerns are among the most annoying problems for both Quincy locals as well as Quincy Center restaurants.
Then again, just about everything is already Q’ed up in the Q.
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