– News and commentary about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Stormy Weather Continues!!!
The Ides of March continue to wreak havoc this year as we finally enter the actual time for the ides to hit the fan.
Locally, a third Nor’easter dumped over a foot of snow on the Q on Wednesday as well as so set March new snowfalls records for a single storm event in a number of Massachusetts communities.
Fortunately for the most part, sunny and warmish days followed and so allowed things to mostly recover to near normal by the time Thursday called it a day.
And as for the Stormy weather in Washington DC, the daily roster of other new calamitous events have for the most part kicked Stormy to the curb and so out of the news cycle.
That and also shading an arguably telling story that indicates that perhaps someone really does like to watch.
Returning to the Q, Quincy Quarry has rolled out the opening installments on its latest City Hall employees poaching public parking exposés.
The current expectation is that this series will be a five-part series.
Then again, even more exposés should be viewed as likely before a memo might be sent out to City Hall hacks admonishing them to park where the Koch Maladministration has arranged for taxpayer-funded free parking spaces for these parking scofflaws in ever-increasingly parking-scarce Quincy Center.
That and they then actually do so.
After all, “do you know who I am” looks to continue to be alive and well in the Q as well as – again – at taxpayers’ expense and inconvenience.
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