A solid gold one-holer?
Image via WCVB Channel 5

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News.


State spends $100,000 to build a small new bathroom in the state transportation building headquarters.


The bathroom project was put on a fast track to be built using one of the MBTA’s “on-call construction services” contracts which are normally reserved for emergency or other urgent jobs.


| quincy news

Excuses, excuses …
An mbtaexcuses.com image

Staco communications

The one fingered salute to taxpayers
A Staco Communications grphic

What was the rush to get the private bathroom built?


After all, such is a very good question because there are public restrooms about forty steps from the board room and next to which the new bathroom was built.


The likely answer: so that transportation board members can avoid media following them into the bathroom to ask questions.


| quincy news

Flying low to get the dirt
A wcvb.com image

In fairness, WCVB Channel 5’s coverage was a little sloppy about duly noting that installing a small office kitchenette was included in the scope of work.


At the same time as well as in even greater fairness to taxpayers, the basically flat broke MBTA spending a hundred large on but a small one-holer and mini-kitchen was still clearly over the top.

Source: State spends $100,000 for small bathroom in transportation building

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