– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Democratic State Senators expected to name new Senate leadership today and so sink former Senate President Stan Rosenberg’s comeback hopes.
As has long been expected by Quincy Quarry, State Senators are likely to finally determine the future of the Senate presidency – behind closed doors – as early as today amid concerns that the scandal consuming State Senator and former Senate President Stan Rosenberg is reflecting badly upon the Senate.
At this point, even Quincy’s State Senator is chiming in with a thumb’s down on Stan.
“I hope we resolve this matter much sooner rather than later and as a body we move on and address the issues that we should be addressing,” said State Senator John Keenan (Democrat, Quincy).
Keenan said he believes the latest allegations that Rosenberg’s estranged husband Bryon Hefner had access to Rosenberg’s email – a breach of his touted “firewall” – should prohibit him from retaking the State Senate presidency.
At the same time, Keenan concurrently covered his own tukas with a typical political fence straddling by adding that he felt that current and de facto Acting Senate President Chandler should stay in place to the end of the session for “the sake of continuity and stability.”
In any event, about all that remains as regards any future truly newsworthy consequence about State Senator Rosenberg is whether or not he will be running for reelection this year.
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