– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy White Christmas a white out!
This morning’s snow squall dropped several inches or more of light fluffy snow on Quincy this morning during a just over two hour snow burst.
Even worse, local streets are covered with snow with nary a snow plow or salt truck to be seen.
How bad was the City of Quincy’s response to what was a perfectly well-forecast snow event?
Even the City Hall VIP parking lot has yet to be plowed.
Worse yet, there is more than enough snow on the ground that the kids will insist on going outside to tryout their new sleds and then track in mud and snow afterwards.
Count on Quincy Quarry to continue to monitor the local snow mess and report back as might be appropriate.
Four or five inches of snow this morning. Yes.
Now it’s 7:55 PM and not a single plow has cleared any snow from my street — right in beautiful downtown Quincy.
No plow, no salt, no sand. NOTHING!
Unless there are a series of warm days to come this winter, this street will be a skating rink, nearly impassible, till warmer weather thaws it out. The sun never reaches the street because of neighboring buildings.
This, however, is the typical, pathetic, snow-job on this street. Our tax dollars doing nothing for the people who are forced to pay them.
And guess what? The DPW snow plowing “hot line” voice-mail box is full. And the Ward councilor’s voice mailbox is full.
So, now, if by some unlikely chance a plow does come by, the snow at the end of residents’ driveways will freeze and be like concrete just in time for Tuesday morning.
Merry Q-ing Christmas!
Dom, it was a three and a half day holiday weekend for City Hall. As such, what the Q else should one expect from Team Joch?
I forgot to mention that email links to DPW, the Mayor’s office and to members of the City Council aren’t working.
Here’s the best part of the story:
As soon as the snow stopped, I shoveled my driveway and as I always do, the sidewalk in front of my house. Well, when the city finally got around to plowing the street — sometime during the day on Tuesday, the day AFTER the snowfall — they plowed the snow right up over the sidewalk. When I got home that evening, I crunched through the plowed snow-berm into my driveway. The now covered sidewalk was frozen like a glacier.
On Wednesday I received a notice of a $50.00 fine for not shoveling the sidewalk. I will appeal it but will have to appear before a court magistrate. There will probably be a court fee but I’m not paying the incompetent SOBS of this city one cent more than I have to.