Goats grazing at school!
Image via NBCBoston and NECN

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Chelmsford school recruits goats to help with groundskeeping!


Students at Parker Middle School in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, are being joined by eight goats. The animals were brought in to do some landscaping work.


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Grazing peacefully, quietly & effectively
A file photo

In recent years, goats have become an ever-increasingly popular landscaping maintenance option in Eastern Massachusetts. 


The reason: they eat everything from ground level to as high as they can chew and so clear away potentially dangerous undergrowth, be it poisonous plants or potentially incendiary other sorts of flora.



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Plus, they are so darn cute!
A file photo

That and goats both work for bubkes as well as leave bupkis behind to provide nutrients for the desired plants that remain after goats do their groundskeeping thing.


Goats also clear away undergrowth both quietly as well as without giving rise to any problematic environmental pollution as – again – bupkis is biodegradable as well as a natural byproduct.


Even so, as well as in spite of the fact that the Commonwealth as well as area municipalities – including the City of Boston and the municipal golf course in Braintree, have long utilized “goatscaping” on their open spaces, the City of Quincy has yet to use them at any of its various overgrown green spaces such as the informal camping sites in Faxon Park.


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A taste for news
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

One theory as to why is that there are no two-legged old goats or nannies still alive from the North Quincy High School Class of 1981 and who are in need of a no heavy lifting city job.

See the news video feature: Chelmsford School Recruits Goats to Help With Gardening

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