Going, going, gone for a long time
A FlynnAuctions.com image

– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News.

Former real estate auctioneer and recently convicted felony Daniel J. Flynn disputes federal prosecutors’ contention that he bilked investors out of $21 million during an eight-year fraud scheme. 

Flynn is claiming that the actual figure is more like only around $12 million.

Has dyslexia perhaps given rise to a reversal of the final number?

| quincy news

Confessed FlynnFlamer
A meme

As such, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry reporting on what is viewed as the final number as well as any other developments that may arise at FlynnFlam’s sentencing hearing in U.S. District Court in Boston this coming Tuesday.

Read Full Story: Flynn Disputes $21M Fraud Figure – Banker & Tradesman

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