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Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: The New Year continues, unfortunately …

Amazingly, the City of Quincy actually oversaw a reasonable snow clearing response to the first significant snowfall of what widely expected to be a tough winter in New England. 

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Snowed in school
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Granted, City Hall was the first and most well-cared venue in the Q, but credit is only fair whenever credit is actually due.

In this case, a grade of “B” is warranted as the propitious timing of the snowfall over the weekend as well as the high fluff factor of the snow could not have been more favorable for an easy peasy plowing effort. 

After all, fair is only fair. 

That and no easy A’s are handed out by Quincy Quarry.

After all, a number of local schools were not cleared of snow as quickly as were as most local streets, much less the always quickly cleared City Hall VIP parking lot.

And on other fronts, Quincy Mayor Koch’s quixotic but so far largely still foundering quest to make Quincy Center great again took an interesting turn earlier this week.

Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

A City on the Move hits the wall yet again?
An Iconic Quincy Quarry News file photo

A wicked amusing one as a matter of fact.

The mayor’s somewhat new and dulcet mouthpiece had a little trouble snowing the City Council with the mayor’s details deficient proposal on how spending a net figure of $20 million in taxpayer-backed bond debt on a parking garage that will essentially but replace the current capacity of an already busy and revenue producing surface parking lot makes $en$e for local taxpayers as opposed to just for developers.

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Moving on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky!
An LBC image per the Patriot Ledger

Who knew Quincy’s City Council had a spine?

More likely, however, council members were probably too busying watching on their smartphones Clemson’s coming from behind to beat Alabama in the college football championship game to care to bother following the dulcet bovine byproduct.

That or the council is still trying to understand how the Koch Maladministration is also plotting to provide a certain local developer with somewhere between $10 million to $15 million or thereabouts in obvious to Quincy Quincy incentives to build a mid rise luxury apartment building in Quincy Center.

In any event, when news breaks badly in the Q – and as we all know that it will, count on Quincy Quarry to exposé it.

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