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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News

Quincy Fire Department rolls to a suspected hazardous material dump site.

A Quincy Quarry News Citizen Photojournalist captured three Quincy Fire Department trucks in a digital photo file at the suspected illegal dump site which was used by a city vendor and which clearly appears to have already been subject to sanction by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

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Contributor and favored city vendor taking a break?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

As the growing legions of Quincy Quarry readers will recall, the apparent pending formal sanctioning of this favored city vendor as well as sanctioned illegal contributor to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s campaign fund have been reported previously in Quincy Quarry.

This Citizen Photojournalist also reports that fire department personal were seen on the ground of the dump site as well as apparently examining the cordoned off dump site, a site which spills over on the grounds of a very actively used local playground as well as an adjacent protected waterway.

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Suspected haz mat site surrounded
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Additionally, while the suspected illegally dumped hazardous material construction debris were removed from the dump site over two weeks ago, the fencing and apparently Department of Environmental Protection imposed anti-spill cordon remains in place. 

As such, one can only assume that the site is still considered potentially risky and so ordered to be kept in an isolated and so stable state.

Also note that given both their responsibilities as well as training, fire department personnel are often the at least semi-official local first responders to most any possible hazardous material incident when no other comparably qualified local municipal personnel are available.

| quincy news

Just not open today
A Quincy Quarry News file image

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City Hall for comment; however, with it closed for the New Year’s Day Monday holiday, there was no one available to contact at City Hall.

Plus, the Quarry fully expects that its inquiries would be ignored even if City Hall was open today.

Similarly, similar ignoring by the Quincy Fire Department was also only to be expected.

Further, Quincy Quarry did not bother reaching out to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

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Follow the money …
A Warner Brothers image

The reason: as a matter of policy, the Department of Environmental Protection will not comment to the media or any other third parties about an ongoing investigation.

Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to continue to follow the story as best as is possible as official comment and material become available.

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