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Mushrooms at quincy high

‘shrooms anyone?
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see this summer’s crop

Quincy High School lawn growing mushrooms.

In the midst of a long ongoing drought, the huge lawn in front of new Quincy High School where old Quincy High School once stood has been so heavily watered of late that it is now fraught with mushrooms.

While most lawns, trees, vegetable gardens and other plants throughout New England are hanging on for dear life, the Quincy High front lawn has been kept so heavily watered that it is doing the horticulturally next to impossible: growing mushrooms in the full and direct sun of what has been a long, hot and all but bone dry July in New England.

Someone has'splaining to doA Quincy Quarry News file photo

Soaking taxpayers yet again?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

In turn, one can only properly note that this heavy watering is spilling over to impact local water bills.

The reason: City of Quincy’s water use is free as far as the city’s annual budget is concerned because its water use is added onto the local water bills imposed upon others..

Simply put, any and all city water use is stealthily added into the calculations that determine the allocation of all of the costs of providing all of the tap water that is used in Quincy upon local property owners.  That and thus not imposing any incentives whatsoever upon the City to duly conserve or otherwise responsibly manage its own water usage.

Quincy high dying trees

Drought stricken next to lush field of ‘shrooms
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Further troubling is that – free water as far as the City of Quincy is concerned notwithstanding – a number of the many large and surely thus expensive trees planted last year on city property immediately adjacent to the well-watered mushroom crop are conversely drying out as well as thus likely to soon be dying off in droves.

Unfortunately, as this lush mushroom crop was discovered over the weekend, there were no city officials readily available for comment – not that any would likely care to make themselves available to Quincy Quarry for comment on a weekday during business hours either.

As such, multiple as well as potentially dire public health concerns shall also likely remain unanswered.

For example, is the Quincy High School mushroom crop poisonous or is it perhaps psychedelic?

After all, with opiate use arguably all but out of control, adding psychedelic mushrooms into the mix would surely only worsen the current state of the local drug abuse mess.

Additionally, with this mushroom-laden field so wet, could it also so be hosting Lime Disease, Encephalitis and/or Zika bearing mosquitoes?

Quincy high grass no tresspassing

Keep off the ‘shrooms?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Again, however, given that the discovery by Quincy Quarry of a near swamp in front of Quincy High School occurred over the weekend, no city officials were readily available for comment.

Then again, perhaps such explains why this likely only still lush grassy City of Quincy park space remaining in the Q is posted as closed off from public use.

Regardless, expect the Quarry to continue to follow this still breaking story as well as to wherever it may lead.

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