Trump university reality check

Reality check time in court pending?<br/>A CBS 46 video still image

– News and commentary from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News

Nixon offers comment on expected charges of fraud against Trump over Trump University.
In the latest commentary by President Nixon, this time in The Daily Beast, he comments on how the increasingly looking to be presumptive as well as already presumptuous Republican Presidential nominee this year is looking to facing time in time in court this call on charges of fraud over his failed and so-called Trump University.

Facepalm over the trumpan old file photo

Facepalm over the Trump
An old file photo

While Quincy Quarry leaves it up to its growing legions of voters to read this latest incisive opinion piece by Nixon and decide for themselves as to its merit, it still must be noted that it is hard to imagine a former US President more familiar with facing time in court than Nixon.
“I resigned from the White House to spare the nation a trial. This lightweight is asking to be judged by a jury even before he gets there.”
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