– Quincy news from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Streetlight knocked sideways still dangerously standing.
Now almost four weeks after Quincy Quarry first reported that one of the expensive ornamental cast iron streetlights as well as one of the also expensive large caliper but still relatively young trees planted along Hannon Parkway were taken out by a motor vehicle operator operating dangerously, the deceased tree has finally been sent to the wood chipper but the damaged streetlight is still in place as well as still precariously leaning in ways most would view as dangerous.
Quincy Quarry considering reaching out to Koch Maladministration spokesmodel Pinocchio Walkbacker for comment; however, he has been nowhere to be found by any media in the wake of the Quincy Police Department’s double dipping detail scandal hitting the fan such that even the South Shore Broadsheet finally expressed its high dudgeon.
The Quarry also considered reaching out to City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comment.
Unfortunately, Spanky has not been seen since he was called on the carpet during last spring’s annual city budget city council hearings over the obscenely expensive snow job pulled on local taxpayers in the wake of the just barely record setting Winter of 2015 snowfall.
As such, Quincy Quarry’s City Editor saw no point in wasting his staff’s time trying to find a phantom menace.
Regardless, while the remains of the wasted tree were cleared a week or so after it was laid to waste, the streetlight is still standing as well as inexplicably.
How much longer remains to be seen.
Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to cover this inexcusable shortcoming by the Koch Maladministration to address yet another clear and present danger to public safety.
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Q-up’s in the Q continue.
Will they ever end?