– Quincy news from elsewhere now covered by Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy begs for interest forgiveness on Woodward damages award.
Per the Boston broadsheet, the City of Quincy’s outside council for its largely unsuccessful defense in the matter of The Woodward School for Girls versus the City of Quincy has asked the court to reduce the city’s statutory interest penalties that have accrued during its largely unsuccessful appeal of the original 2011 verdict against the City of Quincy over its decades of mismanagement and arguable abuse of the Adams Trust and so also the financial abuse of the schoolgirls at the Woodward School for Girls.
The latest court order against the City of Quincy legal team was handed down last month, although it is just now seeing light of day as far as the public is concerned.
Not reported by the broadsheet, however, was the judge’s reaction to this laughable request as – again – by far the majority of the base damages award was upheld at this latest and – one would hope – final trip to the court on at least this aspect of the sordid saga of abuse long perpetrated upon the Woodward School for Girls.

Tax dollars up in smoke …
A cheatsheet.com image
The City of Quincy’s legal council is thus now hoping against hope for relief from its now clearly ill-advised legal strategy of appealing the original damages award of $3 million as now local taxpayers are on the hook for roughly $4 million (or is it more like $5 million?) if one includes interest penalties, the city’s massive original trial court legal expenses along with the additional costs given the city’s now clearly foolhardy appeal of the original decision as well as also at least most of Woodward’s legal expenses.
Specifically, Quincy Quarry’s legal advisors project just the additional legal expenses for but the appeal and to eventually be imposed upon local taxpayers as running well into the low six figures range if not upwards of mid-six figures.
Also problematic is the Supreme Judicial impending ruling on the direct appeal to it by the Woodward trustee for both damages on the sweetheart $100 a month for 50 years lease that city fathers granted to the Quincy Hysterical Society on the Adams Academy building as well as that the lease be voided going forward – or at least a court order to reset the monthly rental rate to something approximating a fair market value.
As always, Quincy Quarry readers can be assured that the Quarry will continue to both follow as well as cover this latest Q-up by the Koch Maladministration along with the maladministration’s myriad of other Q-ups.
And away we go ….
Hey, what’s another 3 or 4 million bucks? Koch will just shake down the taxpayers – some more.