– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Number One Ward Heeler under formal State Ethics Commission review?
In addition to previously reported reports by Quincy Quarry that formal complaint filings have been formally lodged against Quincy’s Number One Ward Heeler, the Quarry has further discerned from its sources both high but mostly low that the ward heeler would now appear to be under formal review – if not investigation – by the State Ethics Commission.
As often as well as apparently reported exclusively by Quincy Quarry other than a tacit as well as but subsequent oblique mention in the Southshore Broadsheet previously, multiple complaints have been filed about the ward heeler’s voting to approve Fiscal Year 2015 city funding to at least subsidize her day job as the local chamber’s director of tourism in apparent violation of Massachusetts General Law as well as her also not properly subsequently recusing herself when the Fiscal Year 2016 city appropriations in support of her day job at the chamber of commerce was again approved by the City Council late last spring.
Posted by Mike Sweeney on Friday, September 11, 2015
The whole of this troubling set of suspect events has apparently also been brought to the attention of others, including the Office of the Governor.
While the war heeler is on record as saying that the City Solicitor advised her that she could vote approval of the funding for Fiscal Year 2015, this explanation fails to fly on at least two counts.
One is that the City Solicitor can only offer an opinion whereas the State Ethics Commission and other state law enforcement entities are the entities that decide what is lawful and then seek to impose sanctions whenever any applicable statutes would appear to have been broken.
Plus, while the Quarry has seen all manner of curious ruling by the City Solicitor over the years, it finds it hard that even the Koch Maladministration’s consiglieri would commit in writing to such a formal opinion even but merely perhaps somewhat but obliquely consistent with the ward heeler’s claim that he approved of her actions.
The other troubling count is that if she was in fact – however implausibly – able to lawfully vote for FY 2015 city funding in support of her day job at the local chamber of commerce, why then did she slip out of the city council meeting during the concurrent votes to approve the FY 2016 city funding of her day job and the city’s annual general funding appropriation to the chamber of commerce?
While Quincy Quarry was not able to secure a formal or otherwise official statement as to when the State Ethics Commission might rule on the complaint filings against the ward heeler, it would seem reasonable to expect given the usual investigation process that a ruling by the Ethics Commission should be forthcoming by approximately the start of next spring, if not perhaps a bit sooner.
Quincy Quarry has also not bothered to follow up with the ward heeler to seek comment as she has a history of ignoring problematic inquiries by the Quarry of her questionable actions and thus so no reason to waste its time being yet again ignored.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to continue to report on its ongoing series of exposés of the apparent ethical shortcomings of Quincy’s number one ward heeler as well as if any further such developments might break badly for the ward heeler.
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“Other symptoms in addition to the ones defined by DSM-IV-TR include: Is inter-personally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends, has trouble keeping healthy relationships with others, easily hurt or rejected, appears unemotional, and exaggerating special achievements and talents, setting unrealistic goals for himself/herself.[5]
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by an over-inflated sense of self-importance, as well as dramatic, emotional behavior that is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.[6]
In addition to these symptoms, the person may display arrogance, show superiority, and seek power.[7]
The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological.
Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth. Comments and criticisms about others are vicious from sufferers of NPD, in an attempt to boost their own poor self-esteem.[8]”
A perfect description of the ward heeler.
If the ward heeler is cited for ethic violations, what does that mean? Does the ward heeler lose her job at the Chamber of Commerce and/or does she have to give up her city council seat? Or can her friend in City Hall step in and let her keep both jobs?
In at least partial response to your questions, check out: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIV/TitleI/Chapter268A/Section20
If the ward heeler is found to have violated this MGL, the range of possible sanctions consist of having to return salary received at her chamber job, up to a low figure 5 figure find and/or serve time in the House of Correction.
Most likely, figure on a likely painful fine and at least some salary reimbursement as within the realm of what might eventually be imposed.
Also note that taxpayer funded annual appropriation to the chamber could be ordered to be voided, with the further ordering of at least a partial refunding of the money perhaps also possible.
Whether – or not – the chamber keeps her on the payroll if things hit the fan is its call.
As to her seat on council if she is sanctioned, while there appears to be no clear direct basis for – say – the State Ethics Commission to order her expulsion from the City Council if she is – in fact – sanctioned, her resignation and/or a formal censure resolution by the rest of City Council would clearly appear to be appropriate options to at least expect.
Dear Editor, I hear that the Ward Heeler is having a community meeting next week? Discussion is the public landing and Louis parking lot. Will you be covering?
Is the Pope a Jesuit?
Oh, and for extra spectator fun if you are planning to attend, be sure to watch how the Number One Ward Heeler tries to avoid questions from certain among the audience. Such can be at least as amusing as her double and triple talking nonsense.
Nothing, however, can top the amusement factor provided whenever she tries to sound as if she really knows something – heck, anything. In point of further fact, she so makes Quincy’s peerless CEO look like the second coming of Winston Churchill.
Well I hope her “peeps” who voted for her and think she is something special…..show up and start to see what a mess she is. Maybe they have to wait for a couple of years and see when houses are torn down and 18 wheeler trucks coming down the street when the public landing becomes a “regional access” for boats……
Trafficking for more traffic . . .
Will a QQ reporter be at the meeting on Tuesday?
See earlier response to Hammer. QQ will be covering.
…..did I miss the QQ report about the meeting?
Hi Ed., you said QQ would be covering the meeting at the HN Cong. Church on 12/15…..when will you be uncovering your report on it?
No, you did not miss the QQ’s coverage on LaForest’s folly.
Given all of her nonsense offered up on this latest profligate bit of nonsense, other breaking badly bad news for residents of the Q and QQ Christmas party hangover, the QQ is a bit behind on its story queue.
Do, however, expect things to hit the fan after Santa’s visit to the Q.
After all, we have to be good until then unless we want coal in our stockings.
…I am looking forward to Santa’s visit!
Just finished watching the most recent council meeting on QATV and our Ward One Heeler is such an embarrassment. As she thanked the three councilors who are leaving the council for their service, she made a comment that she learned how to handle her constituents by Doug Gutro…. Yeah, not so much. She never answers questions on her Facebook page or responds to constituent emails unless one is a bff. Oh, and as usual she is always has to mention her “boating skills”….. She hopes to see them all on the water soon! Maybe should spend more time with her constituents in her ward who do not “live on the water”……
On one hand, the odds are good that the new councillors will prove less embarassing as newbies on the council as compared to the long embarrassing Ward Heeler.
On the other hand, the olds are also good that she is going to have a lot of free time on her hands for boating come next summer’s boating season.
Either way, we can’t lose.
Any word on when Peggy will be heading out to pasture?
Dear Fleeced: The over and under for a ruling is still sometime around March.
And I will be curious to see how her eunuch “Charlie” McCarthy will respond.