– New commentary from elsewhere picked up by Quincy Quarry News.

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Nixon at play and perhaps even actually enjoying himself
An old White House Corbis Images image

Nixon offers comments on the Washington DC football team’s name.

Richard Nixon’s association with football is a long one.

It might also help explain his nose as during his organized sports playing days players played without face guards.

More importantly, his personal views have long been influenced by his love of the game and are both telling of him as well as still evolving.

For example, following are his thoughts on the ongoing team name controversy about the National Football League franchise in our nation’s capital.

A proud warrior logonfl graphic

A proud warrior sports logo but a bad team name
An NFL graphic image

Whether – or not – team owner Dan Snyder finally acknowledges the handwriting on the wall and then changes the team name while at the same time keeping its inoffensive, if not also proud, team logo remains to be seen.

Expect Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this story as new developments might occur.

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