Full housea tipperaryschildren Com photo

A full house – a message from God?
A tipperaryschildren.com photo

– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy voters flooding the polls.

While these floods will probably not result in further expansion of the local flood zones by FEMA, Quincy Quarry has been flooded with e-communications from its exponentially growing legions of loyal readers that local polling places are being mobbed by voters.

In particular, reports on the scene at the polling place at Quincy Center’s St. John’s the Baptist (Roman Catholic, ed.) Church report that voters are overflowing both its parking lot and polling place space.

Joe shea square

Sheanac the Ridiculous
An old City of Quincy photo

While the crowd has so far proven to be civil, there have been reports of grumblings of “down with the clown” and other disparagements of certain other koched up incumbents by those visiting the polls.

So many where those turning out to cast their votes in spite of valid concerns about grave as well as long known problems with Quincy’s not necessarily accurate AccuVote and easy hacked voting machines that at least one wag opined that perhaps the City Jerk Geppetto Sheanac might not have had enough koched up ballots printed.

Quincy Quarry unofficial substitute ballot

[polldaddy poll=9156561]

Drink the kool aida facebook photo

Drink the Kool Aid and then step behind the curtain
A Facebook photo

Needless to say, a massive turnout does not bode well for the embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch as the turnout at the polls by just 9 AM appears to have already greatly outnumbered his number of Koch for Koch Facebook likes.

Quincy Quarry attempted to contact someone at City Hall for comment; however, no one answered the phone and the place was found all but deserted when the Quarry then dropped by to try to find anyone able to offer up official comment.

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