Long suspect quincy accu vote voting machines need report name

Long suspect Quincy Accu-Vote voting machines
University of Connecticut research report image

– Quincy Election News from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy voting machine problems already reported.

With polls only just opened up, a Quincy Quarry Citizen Journalist reports that the voting machine at Atherton Hough Elementary School went down.

Also reported was that “manual” voting was instead initiated given the breakdown.

Getting out the vote

Getting out the vote

Further troubling word from this polling place is that a supporter of the embattled incumbent Mayor Koch is handling the ballots during the now manual “processing” at this polling place.

This news poses two grave concerns.

One is that poll workers are not supposed to touch or otherwise review ballots, even though Quincy Quarry has previously reported of these misdeeds done during the September primary.

Ballot x icon

Problems with the ballot box?
A file photo

The other is that concerns about the hackability of Quincy’s easily hacked may have merit.

After all, Quincy’s AccuVote has been banned by Connecticut, California and various other voting jurisdictions.

Other troubling word from this polling place is that a supporter of the embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch is said to be handling the ballots during their now undergoing manual “processing.”

Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to follow this breaking badly bad news of an apparent at least dinging of the sanctity of the ballot box.

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