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City hall parking repaved | quincy news

New asphalt for hack and suspected VIP free parking lot
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Quincy City Hall’s employee and long suspected VIP commuter free parking lot was repaved over this past weekend.

While the lot had some potholes, it was in nowhere near as bad shape as the increasingly mean streets in the Q.

In any event, Quincy Quarry can only assume that the repaving work was covered by the MBTA instead of the City of Quincy.

Key reasons include that not only was the work was quickly completed over but two successive weekends and so causing little disruption to local traffic, it also appears to have been well done.

City hall parking repaving underway | quincy news

Working hard as opposed to hardly working
A Quincy Quarry News photo

In turn, Quarry thus saw no point bothering to reach out to confirm whose dime covered the repaving as – ultimately – it was done on the taxpayers’ dime.

There was, however, some nervousness among the personnel responsible for restriping the reserved for City Hall use only parking spaces.

Apparently, there were some minor problems measuring out things before then doing the paint striping work needed after the repaving and it was thus quickly resolved as surely city employees feared that Quincy Quarry would pounce on this latest Q-up in the Q.

Parking in qc | quincy news

Only one car in handicapped parking had a handicapped tag
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Such concerns were unfounded as the Quarry does understand that utterly inadvertent Q-up’s also happen as well as that it can only properly now note that at near as it can tell, the striping was eventually completed in adequate fashion.

Not so adequate, however, is the City of Quincy’s continued failure to duly assure ready access to the disabled parking and loading spaces in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station.

Given repeated site visits, Quincy Quarry repeatedly found these duly designated disabled parking spaces filled with vehicles not clearly showing disabled tags.

Dpw commissar dan spanky raymondia city of quincy photo | quincy news

DPW Commissar “Spanky” Raymondi
A City of Quincy photo

Rather, many appeared to be waiting to pick up apparently able MBTA passengers as they exited their trains.

Then again, given the concerns about safety on the increasingly mean streets of the Q, one can understand while family and friends would be picking up those near and dear to them at the station.

Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City of Quincy Department of Public Works Commissar Dan “Spanky” Raymondi for comment on the City’s failure to enforce local parking regulations as he is inexplicable in charge of local parking regulation enforcement, but then it figured why bother. 

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