– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Hazmat pros at work a uof minn photo

Hazmat pros hard at work, albeit not in the Q
A University of Minnesota School of Public Health photo

Quincy Department of Public Works hosts Hazmat fiasco.

A couple of Saturdays ago, the City of Quincy Department of Public Works scheduled a hazardous materials drop-off opportunity for environmentally conscientious locals at its facilities at 55 Sea Street.

Hazmat collection services are variously mandated upon the City of Quincy, including care of a consent decree imposed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection upon the City of Quincy given past as well as woeful mishandling as well as spillings of hazardous materials.

The City, in turn, promoted this apparently first hazmat collection event offered this year and in the wake of last winter’s barely record setting snowfall.

Cross dressing thespian wannabe A city of quincy photo

Cross-dressing thespian wannabe?
A City of Quincy photo

In fact, the event was widely promoted, including via a YouTube video frequently featured on Koch Television, formerly known as Quincy Access TV, featuring the City of Quincy’s so-documented cross-dressing Director of Waste Management and who is apparently also a thespian wannabe.

As Quincy Quarry’s legions of loyal readers will recall, the residence of this local cross-dressing thespian wannabe is on a quiet residential street in Quincy that was surely but coincidentally one of the very first streets in the Q that was cleared of snow from curb-to-curb last winter after Eastern Massachusetts was repeatedly hit with major snowfall events and most of the increasingly mean streets of the Q were thus largely reduced to little more than single track dog sled trails.

In any event, one would like to think that even a cross-dressing thespian wannabe would know to be sure to have sufficient capacity to handle the collection of hazmats locals hoped to turn over to the DPW for safe handling.

After all, hazmat collections are both mandated and supposed to be regular events in the Q.

Then again, with a cross-dressing and coat holding Koch Maladministration crony in charge, things were instead Q’ed up perhaps even beyond the usual level of Q-ing up by the Koch Maladministration.

Seeing red a bloomberg Com image

Seeing red
A Bloomberg.com stock image

The Q-ups included an automotive conga line of vehicles that was backed up all the way from the DPW yard behind the Police Department headquarters to at least Quirk Ford on Southern Artery.

In turn, numerous environmentally sensitive individuals who wished to drop off hazmats to effect their proper disposal reported waits of up to two hours for an drop-off event that was only scheduled to last for two hours.

Unfortunately, at the time of this story’s publication Quincy Quarry has not been able to confirm whether any of those stuck in this DPW hazmat drop-off que Q-up opted to do a do it oneself hazmat disposal.

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