Councillor douglas gutroa facebook photo

Councillor Douglas Gutro – Peacemaker in our time?
A Facebook photo

– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy City Councillor Douglas Gutro announced a peace plan to end the long ongoing the Koch-Phelan feud on the Friday before St. Patrick’s Day at the apparently less than well-attended annual corned beef groan-fest at the Quincy Elks Lodge.
While most of the rest of the commentary at this event was such that the legendary Britain-born saint supposedly honored by this event would surely find offensive, City Councillor At Large Doug Gutro’s comments rose to the level of wit once upon a time common to South Boston’s legendary Evacuation Day festivities.

Former quincy mayor phelanan old youtube still image

Former Quincy Mayor Phelan
An old YouTube still image

While Quarry Quincy does not offer endorsements – at least not long before the impatiently awaited by many September mayor’s race primary election – or otherwise promote direct editorial support for any candidates – again, at least not until close upon elections, the Quarry still must note that Gutro’s proposal for peace in our time was truly refreshing.
Even more incredible was that he bravely offered up his bold plan amidst a den of mostly Koched up déclassé loyalists, if not also numerous City of Quincy employees, in the throes of a chum on the water feeding frenzy until the bar and card room opened.

Koch frowning a facebook photo

Mayor Tom Koch, embattled incumbent
An old Facebook photo

Whether – or not – Gutro’s plan will succeed or if it goes the way of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, (former) President Jimmy Carter, (former) President Bill Clinton or former Secretary of State and looking to again soon be former Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton’s attempts to secure a lasting peace in the Middle East remains to be seen; however, no no one can fault Doug for taking on this heretofore impossible to end local and all but blood feud.
Below following in its entirety is Councillor Gutro’s comments – but not before first noting Mayor Koch’s latest politically incorrect, if not also latest boorish public, comments and which surely offended St. Patrick:

Anne mahoney blonde horse challengera committee to elect anne mahoney photo

Anne Mahoney, palomino challenger
A Committee to Elect Anne Mahoney photo

The sheriff (Micheal Bellotti) reminds me of my neighborhood,” Koch said. “I live in North Quincy, and every year we have some new Chins that move in.”
Councillor Gutro’s peace plan:
“What a year. Record Snow Storms. MBTA problems. New Flood Maps. Downtown. Housing Authority, Public Records.
But today – I focus on the good.
Massachusetts has a new Governor and his name is Charlie Baker.
Last year’s race for Governor was extremely close here in the Commonwealth.
Every vote mattered.
Every endorsement mattered.

Caught shovelling at a photo op Afacebook photoclick on image to better see charlie's evil look

Taking the plunge – or a dive?
A Facebook photo

Our mayor, Tom Koch, a Democrat – crossed party lines and publicly endorsed Governor Baker early on. He took a lot of heat for it.
And, you know, given how close the election was, I think it is fair to say that it was Tom’s hard work – and his endorsement – that put the Governor over the top.
So I was thinking the other day, while I was out campaigning, that the hard work by Tom should be rewarded with something by the Governor.
Something that’s significant.
Something big.
Something that shows Quincy’s voters how much the governor cares about our city.
Something – like a job in his administration.
As I walked along our unplowed sidewalks, mailed my flood insurance check at the post office, and made my way to the Red Line that wasn’t working, I really came to feel so strongly about this that I actually decided that I would contact the Governor myself with a letter of recommendation for our Tom.
And so I did.
I would also like to share it with you today.”
Councillor Gutro’s peace plan pitch letter:

Baker campaign victory celebration facebook photo

Baker campaign victory celebration
Facebook photo

Dear Governor Baker,
I didn’t vote for you, but as you are finalizing your team, I hope you will keep in mind someone who did.
Our good friend Tom Koch.
Now I know that you might be thinking – that when you toured Quincy Center with Tom last September you left with the impression that Tom will be way too busy overseeing one of the state’s largest downtown revitalization projects.
Well, the good news is – it may not be nearly as time consuming as you thought.
Tom’s a humble man and he probably would never say this to you, but he’s been doing the same job for some time now. And after the winter we just had in Quincy, I’m sure that the prospect of doing the same thing for another four years might be too much to handle.
But more than all of that, Governor, think about all the new friends you’ll make here in Quincy.
There’s me. And another dear friend of mine, Anne Mahoney, who feels the exact same way about this.
And then there’s someone else here in Quincy who will think hiring Tom Koch onto your team as the best thing that’s ever been done by anyone, anywhere: Bill Phelan.
So it’s a pretty incredible opportunity for you Governor.

Happier times quincy sun photo

Happier times
A Quincy Sun Photo

You’ll make Tom Koch happy, which will make his whole family happy.
You’ll make Bill Phelan happy, which will make his whole family happy.
And Governor, bringing the Koch’s and Phelan’s together will be better for Quincy than melting snow. No one has ever been able to do it.
But you can.
And when you consider that you only won your race by 40,000 votes, you can head into re-election knowing that you’ve doubled the size of your base.
At least in Quincy.
You may also consider creating a whole new executive department for Tom, because he will undoubtedly bring with him an entire team of family members and hangers on. These folks – such as Chris Walker – would otherwise be unemployable and so take vital resources away from the pressing needs of the state.
On behalf of the people of Quincy, I thank you for your consideration.
Doug Gutro
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