Frozen tundra in front of quincy higha quincy quarry news file photo

Frozen tundra in front of Quincy High
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News.

Snow Daze Stress Disorder continues to linger as well as dangerously during a winter with no obvious end in sight.

While whether – or not – Snow Daze Stress Disorder (“SDSD”) is added to the eventually expected DSM-VI as its own separate diagnostic category or if it is to remain as a subset of Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) remains, the public needs to appreciate how SDSD-fueled breaks are to be expected for many weeks, if not many months to come.

Snow zombiesa george romero image

Snow Days Dazed Zombies
A George Romero image

For example, consider the usual half-life radioactive decay model as a guideline:  SDSD stress levels will thus likely only drop by half after the passage of time equivalent from The Blizzard of 2015 until such time as the snow might finally melt.

Assuming an ever-increasingly likely best case scenario of perhaps a July thaw, such would suggest that many SDSD suffers in Eastern Massachusetts could still be on the edge when next winter’s snow season ramps up to who only knows what.

Similarly, already beyond over the edge parents face even greater stressors, any one of which could cause them to finally go completely over the edge.

On top of the standard risk of yet another School Day, they have currently have no idea when their kids might finish the school year this year.

Even worse, the half life model would only take them half way to a halving of their stress levels before their children have to return in school in September.

bumper car psychosan npr photo

“Bumper Car Psychos”
An NPR photo

Arguably the big public health threat of all arising from SDSD, however, is that the already infamously bad drivers of Massachusetts appear to have become even worse.

Whoddathunk that even worse was possible?
Comparable as well as significant stressors include dealing with insurance companies over winter damage claims.
Further problematic are the interrelated effects of FEMA Flood Insurance Bill Sticker Shock Disorder (“FFIBSSD”).

Lost in the forest headshot

The oh so often mistaken Ward 1 Councillor
A City of Quincy photo

Quincy Quarry briefly considering reaching out to surely but coincidentally a Mayor Thomas P. Koch brother-in-Law Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan to find out what steps the Quincy Police was planning to undertake to respond to SDSD, most especially as it does not respond to Narcan.

The Quarry decided to opted to not bother The Beav, however, as it would clearly appear that he is still all but hopelessly bogged down assisting City Hall’s attempt to rollout the already (at least, ed) once delayed one-way snow emergency traffic plan  and which turned out to not be in place by the end of last month as per the oft-mistaken Ward 1 City Councillor Margaret Laforest.

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