<![CDATA[Half fast hydranta quincy quarry news photo
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy City Hall’s last-minute and much ballyhooed Adopt a Hydrant program is – amazingly – actually experiencing some success.
Key reasons include the understandable fears of local residents’ fear of going up in flames and thus these brave Citizen Hydrant Clearers are doing what they can as best they can.
City Hall, however, continues to be – at best – half-fast in its efforts to lead by example.
Quincy Quarry continues to find a prominent fire hydrant on City property in front of City Hall inexplicably buried in snow.
The only explanation for this is that City Hall may view also view this half-fast situation as acceptable and as it does with many other things it all too often merely but affects doing.

Quincy city hall fortifications construction quincy news photo

Iconic City Hall image
A Quincy Quarry file photo
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Either that or apparently City Hall does not think that copper thieves will strike twice at fire-ravaged City Hall.
Well, actually, such would be a third time, but the Koch Maladministration has never been very good at counting.
Quincy Quarry readers can expect it to continue to follow this potentially incendiary story.
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