– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Public schools finally reopened yesterday per a delayed start after 6 days of surely parents-stressing Snow Days.
In turn, and as could only properly be expected, a school student was hit by a bus on the way to school at Sterling Middle School on one of the many deep snow drift-lined “goat paths” that pass for streets in Quincy this winter.
Fortunately, subsequent reports indicate that injuries so suffered were little more than abrasions and the child is expected to fully recover after first enduring observation in a Boston hospital as Quincy no longer has a hospital.
Always targeted Quincy Public School Superintendent Richard DeCristofaro was quick to duly issue a statement as per his all but invariably astute standards and practices.
The Superintendent further stated as best he could given strict student privacy laws that the student is a good and well-rounded student.
At the same time, as the injured student was on the way to school, Loco Parentis had not yet kicked in and that the accident is thus strictly a municipal public safety matter and so outside of the School Department’s jurisdiction.
Plus, it would appear that perhaps the Superintendent just may have had his fill over the Koch-laden Department of Public Works and Park & Foresty’s lack of alacrity – or is it the ability – in clearing snow at local schools.
Given the City of Quincy’s thus ultimate responsibility, Fox 25 News, in particular, has reported that its numerous calls to Quincy’s City Hall for a statement have not been returned as of Fox’s Thursday morning news broadcast.
Other local media have reported similar sufferings of non-responsiveness by the Koch Maladministration.
Quincy Quarry is gobsmacked to see that other media even bother to reach out to the all but invariably unresponsive Koch Maladministration as the Quarry has long given up on so wasting its time.
Quincy Quarry was especially surprised that the Fox bothered as the City of Quincy previously was extremely slow as well as much less than candid to respond to Fox’s requests for comment when almost two dozen Quincy Police Department patrol and supervisory officers were put on paid leave.
The reason for sending these officers home for a time out: they had let their required Permits to Carry expire as well as that department personnel then long failed to duly catch the lapsed permits.
Then again, it is well-known that there are few things more painful in the way of payback than a stiffed Fox News female reporter.
Quincy Quarry can only assume the following reasons for the Koch Maladministration’s latest lack of forthcoming candor in the wake of this latest local near tragedy.
One, it is waiting for back-up from its longtime spinmeister Raygun Prevarications as perhaps this event is beyond Koch spokesmodel Chris “Pinocchio” Backwalker’s ability to affect sufficient faux spin.
After all, crisis management is a huge part of politics, especially for Massachusetts hacks.
For example, State Senator Brian Joyce (Democrat, Milton) all but surely referred one such crisis management PR flack to Randolph Engineering after it was featured in Page 1 Boston Globe exposé for its providing Joyce with upwards of 40 pairs of $240 +/- retail designer shades that were further custom personalized with engraving for but $50 each wholesale.
In a less than successful attempt to mitigate this mess, Joyce unilaterally upped to paying $75 per as the Globe closed in upon him.
It is further only fair to further note that this particular PR firm recently had its own recent PR crisis management episode involving a now former employee and who is apparently still the boyfriend of the newly installed State Senate President.
In the meanwhile, Randolph Engineering products retailers have apparently been unsuccessful at securing anywhere near as favorable wholesale pricing as even merely but the $75 per figure paid by Joyce.
Returning to more local matters, the Quarry would not be surprised if the Koch Maladministration is having trouble figuring out how to pay for Raygun services.
Obviously, if it uses City funds, such presents all manner of potential issues.
Conversely, if it uses Koch Committee campaign account funds, such only increases the likelihood of yet another review of this account by the State Office of Campaign and Political Finance.
Then again, perhaps the Koch Administration is just going to hunker down behind the snowbanks and construction project moats surrounding City Hall until some other event takes the focus off of this fortunately not tragic but still disconcerting smacking of a school student by a bus on the way to school.

Plow truck lunch break?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Click on image for larger picture to better read signage
While Quincy Quarry expects the Raygun Prevarications may try to spin up a cupcake of a fluff happy yak sort of ultimately banal PR event to attempt to deflect some of the considerable as well as well-deserved umbrage heaped upon the Koch Maladministration, the Quarry also suspect that it is far more likely that yet another disaster will instead happen first.
Regards of how all but assuredly things eventually do play out badly, expect Quincy Quarry to cover the whole story as things continue to hit the snowplow in the Q.

Iconic photo of “City on the Move”
A Quincy Quarry file photo.
Click on image for a larger picture to better read all text
Brick: “Supper”? Typo?