<![CDATA[Curiously plowed hanicapped parking curb cut  a quincy quarry news photo  click on image to better see handicapped blue painted parking space
– News about Quincy MA from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy sidewalks continue to be sideways from recent storms as the City of Quincy does what it does to ineffectually clear snow other than around City Hall 24/7 as well as regardless of weather conditions or a City Hall Snow Day.
While local public schools have finally opened after apparently the longest stretch of Snow Days (6 days AND a late opening today) for any major school disrict in Eastern Massachussets and after even Boston reopened last week, things are still very slippery around town and most  especially on non-City Hall city-owned property.

Library not so plowed    one

Well-cleared and salted private sidewalk but the main library’s not so much.
A Quincy Quarry News photo

Things are so bad around the Q that even the South Shore broadsheet has commented negatively about the City of Quincy’s less than compelling clean up efforts.
In short, it is only a matter of time before some – or perhaps many – accidents happened on the increasingly narrow “goat paths” that pass for streets in the Q.
However, with Mayor Tom “Cupcakes” Koch apparently again adrift after his recent announcement that the City of Quincy would not be citing local property owners for failing to clear the often frozen hard snow heaped upon their sidewalks by City snowplows and no statements from City Hall other than the usual spin foisted upon the increasingly fewer gullible local residents by Koch Maladministration spokesmodel Chris “Pinocchio” Backwalker, ultimately little else it to expected of the shortcomings-laden Koch Maladministration.
With even more snow storms on at least the near horizon, one can only right fear that the worst is yet to come.
That and so much for melting polar ice caps and related claims of Global Warming.
Dpw commissioner dan spanky raymondi   a city of quincy photo

DPW Commissioner Dan “Spanky” Raymondi
A City of Quincy photo

Given events to date, Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to the City of Quincy’s Department of Public Works Commissioner Dan“Spanky” Raymondi for comment, but then realized that it had no interest in hearing him filibuster on and on and on even more about the hard-working service of the DPW’s arguably well-paid selectively workforce.
Instead, expect Quincy Quarry to continue with its far more effective as well as unique coverage of the looking to be very long Winter of 2015.
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Well cleared  but only partially used city hall vip parking lota quincy quarry news file 

Well-cleared 24/7 but only partially used City Hall VIP parking lot
A Quincy Quarry News file photo


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