News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Weird goat-police stories have been cropping up lately.
The latest one involves a goat that escaped in Tewksbury and later was spotted in Lowell, MA where local police apparently then began chasing it.
The goat on the lam has inspired a Twitter account @TheLowellGoat and it has purportedly been Tweeting with the Lowell Police.

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An Ashby Police Facebook Image
With almost 800 followers and almost 600 Tweets, the Lowell Goat has become a local sensation.
Read the full story on NECN.
Related, see: Ashby Police Facebook Page
See also: METRO Story
Goat’s big adventure continues in Chelmsford…
Follow this in the Lowell Sun…. Here is the link:
Lowell Sun Story
LOWELL Goat has gone international!
No Kiddin!
I say give the goat a job!Perhaps the Mayor can make another new hire. Some needed clean up work in park and wet lands. Goats eat plenty and and keep the bush down. Saving tax payers money!
A new concept? A plan to reduce taxes in Quincy? Could it happen? NEVER! THE KID is not related to anyone at City Hall or is he? Goats eat a lot!
What goes “Sisss…. Boom… bahaaa?
The sound made when a goat explodes.