– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.

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Quincy Quarry News Photo

While the State Fire Marshall is preliminarily on record as suspecting that the City Hall fire was caused by a copper thief’s cutting torch, pictures taken inside the building by the South Shore broadsheet suggest substantial building code violations on the project.

Specifically, considerable sheet rock and electrical work had been completed in the building.

Per code and standard practice, such work is not to be done until a building is weather-tight.

While some new window had been installed in the building, most were but covered over with a flimsy plastic fabric material.

Quincy Quarry looks forward to receiving a copy of the State Fire Marshall’s final report to see if and how these apparent building code anomalies are addressed.

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In the meanwhile, still no word out of the Koch Maladministration as to why the construction site was apparently not made secure or human site security initiated after now apparently two separate thefts of copper from the site last weekend.

At best, Mayor Koch said “(w)e definitely need to do a better job.”
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