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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added. 

North Quincy High stadium edifice complex finally nearing completion?

The ran massively over-budget conversion of grass Teel field into an artificial turf high school sports stadium appears to be finally nearly completion other than punch list sorts of things roughly a year late from a prior previously revised as well as so delayed completion date as well as just days before last week’s local elections.

Koch frowning a facebook photo | quincy news

What do you mean you don’t like my idea?
An old Facebook photo

The project has been fraught with controversy from day one, including many entirely valid questions about spending what ended up running at least twenty-three percent over budget as well as arguably a handful of millions over its originally promised maximum cost to local taxpayers.

So what also, apparently, that many local public schools are still in need of all manner of repairs, improvements and even planned complete replacements as well as in spite of the fact that Quincy already has a perfectly good as well as far larger football stadium adjacent to Merrymount Park.

The project was also hit with all manner of interminable delays from literally the very start of but merely planning activities.

Then came serious controversy as well as cost overruns buying a number of residences and so displacing mostly Asian immigrant families as well as with the land takings themselves.



| quincy news

Nice view of the game – NOT!
A Ledger file photo

And adding further insult to injury, a remaining Asian-American abuttor ended up with a massive scoreboard all but in his backyard just as his wife was close to delivering a baby as well as that at last report this problem has yet to be duly resolved as the scoreboard would clearly appear to have been installed in violation of applicable local building codes.

However, arguably the greatest insult of all was naming the field after a local family from which a Quincy Public School Superintendent came and who was forced to resign in the face of allegations of the worst sort of improprieties possible that can committed by an educator.

Even more outrageous, however, is how this is but one example from among many of koched-up projects imposed upon usually local taxpayers who end up stuck with the bills run up by the Koch Maladministration.


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