– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry.

A garage boston christmas party cage dancer A garage boston online photo

A Garage Boston Christmas party cage dancer?
A Garage Boston online photo

Near fatal shooting at local real estate investors’ nightclub in Allston.

Essentially all local media have been reporting from the scene of the shooting outside of the Allston nightclub. 

All reports indicate that a dispute inside of the club ended with a shooting just outside of the club.

The nightclub is owned and operated by the principals of a private development company that has in the last few years invested heavily in Quincy Center property.

 linden street allston google maps image

Shooting scene. Quincy’s future?
A Google Maps image

Additionally, the nightclub’s location is within a building that at last report also houses the development company’s corporate operations.

While this incident is clearly a very serious one, Quincy Quarry readers will recall that this is not the first time that these developers’ hospitality operations at this venue have faced scrutiny by oversight entities over lesser but still problematic events.

Expect more details to likely follow as the police investigation continues as well as Boston licensing board officials also review matters.

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