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Two City Hall handicapped parking spaces out of service
A Quincy Quarry News photo
Click on image to better see two handicapped parking signs
Quincy City Hall handicapped street parking spaces are again taken out of service.
Quincy Quarry’s senior and often less than physically able loyal readers have reached out to the Quarry with their concerns about the most recent removal from service of the two handicapped parking spaces in front of Quincy’s City Hall.
With the latest round of skyrocketing property tax bills due and payable, the more able should only properly appreciate how the less than able are finding it hard to pay their tax bills or otherwise access City Hall as needed.
That and how it would clearly appear that the Koch Maladministration yet again appears to be out of compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
Then again, given that the Maladministration is apparently of the mind that “the code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules,” such is only to be expected.
As such, rather than reaching out to City Hall for answers, the Quarry has again reached out as well as well up the food chain to press the case of this latest disregard of locals by City Hall.
Accordingly, do not be surprised to see further as well as embarrassing for the Koch Maladministration coverage to follow on this latest as well as seemingly callous disregard of those less than able locals by Quincy’s City Hall.
In fact, do not be surprised if multiple media channels worth of coverage hit the fan on this latest Q-up in the Q by Quincy’s City Hall.
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