Quincy Tourism information MIA in Quincy Hotel
A Citizen Journalist anonymized Facebook photo
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– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy’s Number One Ward Heeler criticized over an apparent lack of effort at Quincy tourism director day job.
As should come as no great surprise, Quincy Quarry employs state of the art web crawlers and so came across with this Quarry story’s thus featured Facebook post and photo.
The featured picture was apparently taken at the inexplicably named Boston Marriott Quincy, Quincy’s only real hotel even if it is but a less than Four Stars-rated Marriott.
As such, this Facebook poster was thus outraged that the well-paid Executive Director of Discovery Quincy tourism operation – which inexplicably operates under the aegis of the local chamber of commerce even though it is all but entirely a city-funded operation – would appear to have fallen short on the job.
Then again, as the Executive Director has also the long found by Quarry Quarry to be problematic in her role as Quincy’s Number One Ward Heeler, that the Ward Heeler would clearly appears to have also failed at this very basic job performance expectation at her so-called full-time day job did not came as even but a small surprise to anyone in the Quarry newsroom.
In any event, Quincy Quarry promises to report as soon possible the anticipated most any day now the findings of the first of two ethics complaints which the Quarry understands have been filed against the Ward Heeler with the State Ethics Commission.
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s growing legions of loyal readers can also expect it to report on the second complaint about the Ward Heeler as soon as possible after the ethics commission releases word of its findings on the purported second complaint as well as on any and all other suspect actions by the long suspect Ward Heeler as they might become known.
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Maybe the Quincy Historical Brochures are stored in a box at the Hoffie.