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Quincy mayoral race sees massive campaign funds cash flow swings as election day draws near.
As reported previously by Quincy Quarry, campaign contributions to embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas P. Koch have plummeted to a weekly average of roughly $7,800.00 over the past month – less than half of his weekly average take since May of this year – while his campaign’s weekly spending rate has skyrocketed up to $42,800.00 per week during the first two week of October, so burning his campaign bank balance down to a reported $42,204.68 – a mere 38% of what he had in the bank as of September 30.

Pl koch phelan poll

Patriot Ledger poll results
A Patriot Ledger graphic

Sorely negative cash burn rate already apparent during September notwithstanding, the high overhead and free spending Koch campaign opted to outspend its opponent by 429% this month, albeit apparently to no avail as the only public polling data to date found Phelan receiving 66% of the votes to Koch’s meagerly 34%.
Apparently, money cannot always buy an election.
Even more problematic for the problematic embattled incumbent, there is good reason to suspect that his actual financial status net of a proper all outstanding expenses not yet booked – much less paid – accrual accounting basis, his so duly adjusted and thus actual net campaign fund balance is most likely at least approaching a five figures lower net figure.
Why is this man smiling An old boston globe photo

Why is this man smiling?
An old Boston Globe photo

On the other hand, his opponent, former Mayor Bill Phelan, enjoyed a roughly 252% greater inflow of campaign contributions in the first two weeks of October as compared to those shaken down by duly embattled incumbent Mayor Thomas Koch.
Phelan further enjoyed a 357% increase on his own average weekly campaign contribution totals during the first two weeks of October as compared to his weekly average during the month of September.
So much, apparently, for the multiple reports provided to Quincy Quarry that Mayor Koch is trying to calm his surely increasingly nervous special interests contributors as well as his vast army of hack hires that the Mahoney and Gutro primary votes were personally beholden, respectfully, to each of these two candidates and that many of them would move into the Koch column come the November 3 general election.
Spilt milk

Spilt milk and man down on Aisle 13
A YouTube video still image

Spinning up suspect spin notwithstanding, the reality is that money is the mother’s milk of politics.
Unfortunately for embattled incumbent Mayor Koch, he has already spilled over $500,000.00 in campaign funds as well as now looking at a potential negative low five figure deficit in his campaign bank account on election day should the freely– if not also wildly – spending incumbent’s current income and spending trends merely stay steady with the last six weeks trends over the next two weeks remaining until the election.
Phelan, on the other hand, well-managed his spending to so enjoy a 431% increase in his campaign bank account balance, after covering his campaign expenses, from the end of September to his closing balance on October 15 whereas the embattled incumbent’s bank balance has cratered to – again – a mere 38% of what it was at the end of September.
The free spending embattled incumbent a quincy quarry news file photo

The free spending embattled incumbent
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Even more problematic for the problematic embattled incumbent Mayor Koch, Phelan reported enough money already in the bank per his most recent Office of Campaign and Political Finance report to maintain his current rate of frugal campaign spending until election day whereas the free spending embattled incumbent is on track to – again – likely find himself in the hole in at least the low five figure range come election day.
Then again, Phelan does have a solid record of running fiscal prudent house during his recent tenure as the Town Administrator of Holbrook as well as during his tenure as Mayor of Quincy whereas the current Mayor of Quincy has a wholly different fiscal track record.
Regardless, expect Quincy Quarry to continue to follow the money.
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